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Call for Papers - BSides Dehradun

Welcome to the inaugural BSides Dehradun!

BSides Dehradun is a new cybersecurity conference that aims to bring together enthusiasts, researchers, and hackers from all corners of the globe. Our mission is to spotlight the latest and most innovative offensive and defensive security technologies. We invite you to contribute to this exploration of the future of security by submitting your latest research for consideration.

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What We're Looking For

We're looking for original papers related to cybersecurity. Whether you've discovered a new vulnerability, designed a secure network architecture, or have insights into the latest malware threats, we want to hear from you!

Important Dates


30th May 2024

CFP close

30th June 2024

CFP Result Announcement

10th July 2024

Please mark these dates in your calendar. We encourage you to submit your papers as early as possible. 

Submission Guidelines

  • Abstract: Give us a brief summary of your paper. This should be no more than 500 words and should highlight the key points of your research.
  • Paper: This is where you can go into detail about your research or insights. This should be no more than 5000 words. Make sure to include any necessary details for others to understand and replicate your work.
  • Bio: Tell us a bit about yourself. This could include your current role, any past experience or achievements, and your interests in cybersecurity.

Topics of Interest

We're particularly interested in the following topics, but we welcome papers on any aspect of cybersecurity:
  • Network Security
  • Application Security
  • Cryptography
  • Incident Response
  • Forensics
  • Cloud Security
  • Internet of Things (IoT) Security
  • Web3 and Blockchain Security
  • Privacy and Data Protection
  • Ethical Hacking and Bug Bounty Experiences
  • Cybersecurity Policy and Legal Considerations
  • Career Development and Mentorship in Cybersecurity
  • Any cutting edge research in the field of Cybersecurity

Who can submit a CFP for BSides Dehradun 0x01?

We welcome submissions from everyone, regardless of their background or experience level. Whether you're a seasoned professional, a researcher, a student, or a hobbyist in the field of cybersecurity, we'd love to hear from you. If you have an interesting idea or a piece of research that you'd like to share with the community, please don't hesitate to submit a paper.

How to Submit

To submit your paper, click on the "Submit" button and fill out the submission form. Make sure to include your abstract, full paper, and bio

Submit Here

Review Process

Once we receive your submission, it will undergo a thorough review process. Our review panel, made up of experts in the field of cybersecurity, will evaluate your submission based on its originality, relevance, technical depth, and clarity. The review process is anonymous to ensure fairness.

Speaker Terms & Conditions

As a speaker at BSides Dehradun 0x01, you will be entitled to the following benefits:
  • Complimentary Conference Registration: Our registration fee for the conference will be waived.
  • Complimentary Accommodation: We will provide accommodation for two nights: 23rd August 2024 & 24th August 2024.
  • Invitation to Networking Dinner/Party: You will receive an invitation to our networking dinner/party where you can interact with other speakers, attendees, and organizers.
  • Travel Reimbursement: We offer travel reimbursements up to certain amounts: - For international speakers (outside India), we offer a reimbursement of up to USD $500. -For speakers from India, we offer a reimbursement of up to INR 10,000.
Please note that in case of multiple speakers for a single talk, only one speaker will be eligible for these benefits.

Contact Informaton

For any queries related to the Call for Papers process, please feel free to reach out to us. We're here to help!

Email: For paper submissions and related queries, please email us at

You might use a subject line such as "Query: BSides Dehradun 0x01 CFP Process" to help us quickly identify and respond to your message.

Please allow us some time to respond to your query. We appreciate your patience and look forward to assisting you!