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Code of Conduct

BSides Dehradun is a security conference dedicated to fostering open communication, collaboration, and learning within the information security community. We are committed to creating a safe and inclusive environment for all participants, regardless of background, experience, or affiliation. This Code of Conduct outlines our expectations for behavior and outlines the consequences of violating these expectations.


Prohibited Behavior

The following behavior is strictly prohibited at Bsides Dehradun:

Consequences of Violation

Any participant who violates this Code of Conduct may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion from the conference without refund. In addition, the conference organizers may report any illegal activity to the appropriate authorities.

Reporting Violation

If you experience or witness any behavior that violates this Code of Conduct, please report it to the conference organizers immediately.  You can report violations in person to a conference organizer or volunteer, or by sending an email to

Additional Notes

Photography & Videography Guidelines

As Bsides Dehradun is a public event,  no restrictions are placed on photography or videography. Attendees (including organizers, volunteers, sponsors, and media) are welcome to capture photos and videos during the conference. However, with open access comes the responsibility to  respect the privacy and comfort of others.

Remember, this is a community event, and we encourage everyone to use common sense and good judgment. If someone doesn't want their picture taken, please respect their wishes.

As with most conferences, Bsides Dehradun reserves the right to use images and videos captured during the event in future marketing materials. This includes photos with your likeness.

For attendees who prefer not to be photographed:

Your comfort and privacy are our priority. By following these guidelines, we can ensure everyone has a safe and enjoyable experience at Bsides Dehradun.

We encourage all participants to help us create a safe and inclusive environment for everyone at Bsides Dehradun. Thank you for your cooperation.